9 responses
That's sweet. Two thoughts:
1. Someone watched Transformers as a kid.
2. I wonder if it could handle the hills of SF?
Cool until the dude hits a curb or bump and does a face plant because he had no handlebars in front.
I think if you hit something like a rock or curb you'd basically just walk forward off it -- basically what skateboarders do when the skateboard gets stuck on something. Pretty cool idea; now if it were only 1/4th the price.
I don't know, I'm not convinced. It seems to me that it suffers from the same problem as Segway: you kind of look like a douche when you ride it. Maybe once I start to see them more, I'll start to like them.
Currently the YikeBike can travel a distance of 9 - 10 Km...only? (battery supports 1,000 charges)
Like this; gonna look if we can get this in Europe...
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