The McGangBang: A McChicken Sandwich INSIDE a Double Cheeseburger

The McGangBang ranks up there in the holy pantheon of WTF. It's a sandwich made from a double cheeseburger and a McChicken sandwich — where you put an entire McChicken sandwich inside a double cheeseburger. It's a creative manipulation of existing menu items, and an exercise in frugality: taking two items off of the Dollar Menu and creating an entirely new sandwich for a total of $2.16. Truly, it's a sandwich that's more than the sum of its parts.


9 responses
Definitely cost effective. Your full daily calorie requirement in 1 sandwich.
um awesome
somehow i'm guessing this is not a secret menu item that McDonald's endorses LOL.
I ate something similar to this for lunch today.. no joke.

MacHeartattack !
bah, i made this in the dining commons my freshman year. it's much better with only the hamburger patty and the chicken patty
I have to say, I think I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw this ... not a lot, just a little.
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