

9 responses
Hey Garry, quick question for you. On this group blog, it says "Posted by Garry" when you post. I am trying a group blog (which is and it doesn't differentiate between posters. Is there something special I have to do to have it say who posted it?


Oh, and also - the contributors aren't being listed on the right like yours are =(
Hi Tami,
We only show the contributers on the right if the contributers are registered users. If you simply add an email address contributer, we don't show that since we don't have the person's real name or profile image. But if they later register for Posterous, their posts will transfer over correctly.
You have to get your contributors to sign up for accounts (set a password / upload a profile photo) before they'll show up, since we need to conceal email addresses for privacy reasons.
Hope that helps!
Excellent guys, thank you for the quick help. He signed up - how long does it take to work correctly? Also - if he sets up an autoposting to Flickr, Facebook etc - but emails to a blog that I am technically the "owner" of, will it still autopost to his Flickr and stuff?
Looks like the "Posted by" has updated correctly on your site already.
Autoposting is per user. So even if he posts to a site you own, it will autopost to anything he has setup. This usually makes sense because even if I am posting to my shared family blog, I still want to update my flickr and my twitter.
Of course, he can avoid autoposting by using the regular mechanism:
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